Punkins & Aspergers

"Not everything that steps out of line, and thus ‘abnormal’, must necessarily be ‘inferior’." – Hans Asperger (1938)

Rocks Rule!!! July 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — mommapunkin @ 1:29 pm

One of the aspects of Asperger’s that is frustrating, yet can be fostered in a positive direction, is the obsession with a certain topic (or “topics”).  While Punkin has many interests where he turns into an encyclopedia about the facts: natural disasters, Bakugan, and Star Wars, he has never faltered in his love for ROCKS.  Anywhere we go, a few stowaways find their way into his pockets.  Unfortunately, they aren’t always discovered until the unmistakable clanging coming from the laundry room.

My grandfather always had a knack for finding beautiful rocks and even started his own jewelry making enterprise.  While cleaning out the house, Punkin has been in heaven.  He came home with a wonderful collection of some tiger eye that he is holding close by.

We found him a few books on rocks and geology that he has already starting reading.  I figure if he’s interested, we’ll keep it that way.  Maybe someday we’ll all see him on the Discovery Channel teaching us about volcanoes, dinosaur history, or the Grand Canyon!  Maybe he’ll follow in Grandpa-Great’s footsteps and make some great jewelry.  Either way, it will be fun to see where he takes this interest.


2 Responses to “Rocks Rule!!!”

  1. Andrea Says:

    Very cool! We always end up with rocks from the river bed up the canyon, I’ve tried to get bigger rocks and then let the kids paint them and seal them they make nice treasures for the garden.
    Keep up the good work, you are such a good mommy!

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